
Friday, August 30, 2024

TRADING : trading tricks & how to start trading

Cryptocurrency profit 2024DAY TRADING:THE BASIC And How TO GET START

There was a time years ago when the only people able to trade actively in the stock market were those working for large financial institutions, brokerages, and trading houses.

Published: Arshdeep Singh

The arrival of online trading, along with instantaneous dissemination of news, have leveled the playing—or should we say trading—field. The easy-to-use trading apps and 0% commissions of services like Robinhood, TD Ameritrade, and Charles Schwab have made it easier than ever for retail investors to attempt to trade like the pros.

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Day trading can turn into as long as you do it properly). But it can be challenging for novices—especially those who don't have a well-planned strategy. And be aware that even the most seasoned day traders can hit rough patches and experience losses.

So, what exactly is day trading, and how does it work?


Day traders buy and sell stocks or other assets during the trading day in order to profit from the rapid fluctuations in prices.

Day trading employs a wide variety of techniques and strategies to capitalize on these perceived market inefficiencies.

Day trading is often informeded technical analysis of price movements and requires a high degree of self-discipline and objectivity.


Day trading means buying and selling a batch of securities within a day, or even within seconds. It has nothing to do with investing in the traditional sense. It is exploiting the inevitable up-and-down price movements that occur during a trading session.

Day trading is most common in the stock markets and on the foreign exchange (forex) where currencies are traded.

Day traders are typically well-educated in the minutia of trading and tend to be well funded. Many of them add an additional level of risk by using leverage to increase the size of their stakes.

Day traders are attuned to events that cause short-term market moves. Trading based on the news is one popular technique. Scheduled announcements such as the release of economic statistics, corporate earnings, or intrest rate announcements are subject to market expectations and market  psychology. That is, markets react when those expectations are not met or are exceeded—usually with sudden, significant moves which can greatly benefit day traders.

Day traders use numerous intraday strategies. These strategies include:

Scalping: This strategy focuses on making numerous small profits on ephemeral price changes that occur throughout the day.

Range trading: This strategy uses pre-determined support and resistance levels in prices to determine the trader's buy and sell decisions.

News-based trading: This strategy seizes trading opportunities from the heightened volatility that occurs around news events.

High-frequency trading (HTF): These strategies use sophisticated algorithms to exploit small or short-term market inefficiencies.

Why Day Trading Is Controversial

The profit potential of day trading is an oft-debated topic on Wall Street. Internet day-trading scams have lured amateurs by promising enormous returns in a short period of time.

Some people day-trade without sufficient knowledge. But there are day traders who make a successful living despite—or perhaps because of—the risks.

Many professional money managers and financial advisors shy away from day trading. They argue that, in most cases, the reward does not justify the risk. Moreover, many economists and financial practitioners argue that active trading strategies of any kind tend to underperform a more basic passive index strategy over time especially after fees and taxes are taken into account.

Profiting from day trading is possible, but the success rate is inherently lower because it is risky and requires considerable skill. And don’t underestimate the role that luck and good timing play. A stroke of bad luck can sink even the most experienced day trader.

How Does a Day Trader Get Started?

Professional day traders—those who trade for a living rather than as a hobby—are typically well established in the field.

 They usually have in-depth knowledge of the marketplace, too. Here are some of the prerequisites required to be a successful day trader.

Knowledge and Experience in the Marketplace

Individuals who attempt to day-trade without an understanding of market fundamentals often lose money. A working knowledge of technical analysis and chart reading is a good start. But without a deep understanding of the market and its unique risks, charts can be deceiving.

Do your due diligence and understand the particular ins and outs of the products you trade.

Sufficient capital 
Wise day traders use only risk capital that they can afford to lose. This protects them from financial ruin and helps eliminate emotion from their trading decisions.

A large amount of capital is often necessary to capitalize effectively on intraday price movements, which can be in pennies or fractions of a cent.

Adequate cash is required for day traders who intend to use leverage in margin accounts. Volatile market swings can trigger big margin calls on short notice.
Day trading StrategiesЁЯМ╕ЁЯМ┐

A trader needs to have an edge over the rest of the market. Day traders use any of a number of strategies, including swing trading, arbitrage, and trading news. They refine these strategies until they produce consistent profits and limit their losses.

There also are some basic rules of day trading that are wise to follow: Pick your trading choices wisely. Plan your entry and exit points in advance and stick to the plan. Identify patterns in the trading activities of your choices in advance.

Many day traders end up losing money because they fail to make trades that meet their own criteria. As the saying goes, “Plan the trade and trade the plan.” Success is impossible without discipline.

To profit, day traders rely heavily on market volatility. A day trader may find a stock attractive if it moves a lot during the day. That could happen for a number of different reasons, including an earnings report, investor sentiment, or even general economic or company news.

Day traders also like stocks that are highly liquid because that gives them the chance to change their position without altering the price of the stock. If a stock price moves higher, traders may take a buy position. If the price moves down, a trader may decide to sell short so they can profit when it falls

Regardless of what technique a day trader uses, they’re usually looking to trade a stock that moves (a lot)

Who Makes a Living by Day Trading?ЁЯФЦ

There are two primary divisions of professional day traders: those who work alone, and/or those who work for a larger institution.

Most day traders who trade for a living work for large players like hedge funds and the proprietary trading desks of banks and financial institutions. These traders have an advantage because they have access to resources such as direct lines to counterparties, a trading desk, large amounts of capital and leverage, and expensive analytical software

These traders are typically looking for easy profits from arbitrage opportunities and news events. Their resources allow them to capitalize on these less risky day trades before individual traders can react

The solo day traders ЁЯТл

Individual traders often manage other people’s money or simply trade with their own. Few have access to a trading desk, but they often have strong ties to a brokerage due to the large amounts they spend on commissions and access to other resources

However, the limited scope of these resources prevents them from competing directly with institutional day traders. Instead, they are forced to take more risks. Individual traders typically day trade using technical analysis and swing trades—combined with some leverage—to generate adequate profits on small price movements in highly liquid stock

Day trading demands access to some of the most complex financial services and instruments in the marketplace. Day traders typically require all of the following

Access to a trading deask

This is usually reserved for traders who work for larger institutions or those who manage large amounts of money.

The trading or dealing desk provides these traders with instantaneous order execution, which is crucial. For example, when an acquisition is announced, day traders looking at merger arbitrage can place their orders before the rest of the market is able to take advantage of the price differential.

Multiple news source 

News provides most of the opportunities. It is imperative to be the first to know when something significant happens.

The typical trading room has access to all of the leading newswires, constant coverage from news organizations, and software that constantly scans news sources for important stories.

Analytical software 

Trading software is an expensive necessity for most day traders. Those who rely on technical indicators or swing trades rely more on software than on news. This software may be characterized by the following:

Automatic pattern recognition: ЁЯСЙThis trading program identifies technical indicators like flags and channels, or more complex indicators such as Elliott Wave patterns.

Genetic and neural applications: ЁЯСЙThese programs use neural networks and genetic algorithms to perfect trading systems and make more accurate predictions of future price movements.

Broker integration: ЁЯСЙSome of these applications even interface directly with the brokerage, allowing for instantaneous and even automatic execution of trades. This eliminates emotion from trading and improves execution times.

Backtesting:ЁЯСЙ This allows traders to look at how a certain strategy would have performed in the past to predict more accurately how it will perform in the future. Keep in mind that past performance is not always indicative of future results.oCmbined, these tools provide traders with an edge over the rest of the marketplace.

Risks of day trading ЁЯСЗЁЯСЗ

For the average investor, day trading can be a daunting proposition because of the number of risks involved. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) highlights some of the risks of day trading, which are summarized below

Be prepared to suffer severe financial losses: ЁЯСЙDay traders typically suffer severe financial losses in their first months of trading, and many never make a profit.

Day trading is an extremely stressful full-time job:ЁЯСЙ Watching dozens of ticker quotes and price fluctuations to spot fleeting market trends demands great concentration.

Day traders depend heavily on borrowing money: ЁЯСЙDay-trading strategies use the leverage of borrowed money to make profits. Many day traders not only lose all of their own money, they wind up in debt.

Don’t believe claims of easy profits: ЁЯСЙWatch out for hot tips and expert advice from newsletters and websites catering to day traders and remember that educational seminars and classes about day trading may not be objective.

Should you start day trading?

If you're determined to start day trading, be prepared to commit to the following steps:

Make sure you come in with some knowledge of the trading world and a good idea of your risk tolerance, capital, and goals.

Be prepared to put in the time to practice and perfect your strategies.

Start small. Focus on a few stocks rather than wearing yourself thin. Going all out will complicate your trading strategy and can mean big losses.

Stay cool and try to keep emotion out of your trades. Don't deviate from your plan.

If you follow these simple guidelines, you may be headed for a sustainable career in day trading

Day trading example 

A day trade is exactly the same as any stock trade except that both the purchase of a stock and its sale occur within the same day, and sometimes within seconds of each other.

For example, say a day trader has completed a technical analysis of a company called Intuitive Sciences Inc. (ISI). The analysis indicates that this stock, which is listed in the Nasdaq 100, shows a pattern of rising in price by at least 0.6% on most of the days when the NASDAQ is up more than 0.4%. The trader has reason to believe that this is going to be one of those days.

The trader buys 1,000 shares of ISI when the market opens, then waits until ISI reaches a particular price point, probably up 0.6%. The trader then immediately sells the entire holding in ISI.

This is a day trade. Obviously, the merits of ISI as an investment have nothing to do with the day trader's actions. A trend is being exploited.

What if ISI had bucked the trend and lost 0.8%? The trader will sell anyway and take the loss.

How do I get started day trading 

A successful day trader understands the discipline of technical analysis. This is identifying trading opportunities by observing and plotting the patterns of price and volume movement in a stock (or any other investment). The long-term trend shows how the stock has behaved in the past and suggests how it should behave in the immediate future.

Technical analysis is not usually done with paper and pencil these days. There are software packages that help create charts and graphs for the purpose.

The day trader also must have a plan in place before making a single trade. Which stocks to trade and what price points are acceptable for buying and selling all must be set in advance. A successful day trader does not leave room for impulse purchases.

Finally, even a solo day trader must have a trading desk, fully equipped with the news services, real-time data, and brokerage services needed to carry out the plan.

If you're going to trade on margin you'll also need a lot of cash on deposit with the broker. This is not recommended for a beginner as it carries a high risk that the trader will wind up broke and deep in debt.

Much better to start out with whatever amount of cash you can afford to lose

What is the First Rule of Day Trading ?

The first rule of day trading is never to hold onto a position when the market closes for the day. Win or lose, sell out.

Most day traders make it a rule never to hold a losing position overnight in the hope that part or all of the losses can be recouped.

For one thing, brokers have higher margin requirements for overnight trades, and that means additional capital is required.

There's a good reason for that. A stock can go down or up on overnight news, inflicting a bigger trading loss on the owners  of shares

What are the Margin Requirements for Day TRADERS 

According to the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) rules, the minimum equity requirement for a client of a broker-dealer who is designated as a pattern day trader is $25,000. This must be deposited into the client’s account prior to any day-trading activities and maintained at all times.

what is Day Trading Buying Power?

Buying power refers to the total funds that an investor has available to trade securities, and it equals cash held in the account plus the available margin.

According to FINRA rules, a broker-dealer client who is designated as a pattern day trader may trade up to four times their maintenance margin excess as of the previous day’s market close.

The bottom line.

Day traders can earn big profits or pile up big losses. It's an extremely risky career choice.

Day traders, both institutional and individual, would argue that they play an important role in the marketplace by keeping the markets efficient and liquid.

Though day trading will always be intriguing to individual investors, anyone considering it needs to acquire the knowledge, the resources, and the cash that it takes    and it's also makes you success

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Sunday, August 25, 2024

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риЦ਼ੂриирижਾрии риори╣ਾਂ рижਾрии

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Thursday, August 22, 2024

Insurance : cancer insurance policy


                                      Image credit by owner 

Publisher by :Arshdeep Singh

Cancer insurance is a specialized type of insurance that provides financial support to policyholders who are diagnosed with cancer. It is designed to supplement regular health insurance by covering costs associated specifically with cancer treatment and its related expenses. Here’s a comprehensive overview of cancer insurance:

What is Cancer Insurance? 

Cancer insurance is a supplemental health insurance policy that offers coverage for cancer-related expenses. It aims to ease the financial burden of cancer treatment by providing benefits that can be used to cover medical and non-medical expenses.

How Cancer Insurance Works

- Policy Purchase: Individuals purchase a cancer insurance policy separately from their regular health insurance.

- Coverage Start: After purchasing, there might be a waiting period (commonly 30-90 days) before the coverage becomes active.

- Claims Process: Upon a cancer diagnosis, policyholders can file a claim to receive benefits, which can be a lump sum or periodic payments, depending on the policy.

- Benefit Usage: The benefits received can be used for various purposes, including medical bills, travel expenses, loss of income, or even daily living expenses.

 Image credit by owner 

 Types of Coverage

Cancer insurance typically covers a wide range of costs associated with cancer treatment and recovery:

 a. Medical Expenses

- Treatment Costs: Coverage for chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, and other cancer treatments.

- Hospitalization: Costs associated with hospital stays, including room charges, doctor visits, and special treatments.

- Prescription Drugs: Coverage for cancer-related medications.

- Experimental Treatments: Some policies may cover experimental treatments that are not fully covered by standard health insurance.

b. Non-Medical Expenses

- Travel and Lodging : Expenses for travel to treatment centers and accommodation during treatment.

- Home Care and Rehabilitation :  Costs for in-home care or rehabilitation services.

- Childcare and Family Support : Help with childcare costs and other family support services.

- Lost Income : Benefits to replace lost income if the policyholder is unable to work due to their cancer diagnosis.

c. Lump-Sum Payment

- Many cancer insurance policies provide a lump-sum payment upon diagnosis. This payment can be used at the policyholder’s discretion, offering financial flexibility.

 Policy Types

Individual vs. Group Plans: Cancer insurance can be purchased as an individual policy or as part of a group plan through an employer.

- **Standalone vs. Rider**: It can be a standalone policy or added as a rider to a life insurance or general health insurance policy.

 Exclusions and Limitations

- Pre-existing Conditions: Most cancer insurance policies exclude coverage for pre-existing cancer diagnoses. There may also be waiting periods before coverage starts.

- Specific Cancer Types : Some policies may only cover certain types of cancer or may have limitations on coverage for specific cancers.

- Coverage Caps: There may be maximum benefit limits, either per incident or over the policy's lifetime.

- Age and Health Status: Premiums and eligibility may vary based on the applicant’s age and health status at the time of purchase.

Premiums and Costs

- Premium Calculation : Premiums are determined based on factors such as age, health status, coverage amount, and the type of policy.

- Cost Variability:  tend to be lower for younger, healthier individuals and increase with age and additional risk factors.

- Payment Options : Policies may offer flexible payment options, including monthly, quarterly, or annual payments.

Advantages of Cancer Insurance

- Financial Security : Provides peace of mind by covering significant costs that can arise from cancer treatment.

- Flexibility : Benefits can be used for a variety of expenses, not just medical bills.

- Supplemental Coverage : Complements existing health insurance by covering gaps like co-pays, deductibles, and non-medical expenses.

- No Restrictions on Usage : Lump-sum payments can be used for any purpose, offering flexibility in managing the financial impact of cancer.

Disadvantages of Cancer Insurance

- Limited Scope : Only covers cancer-related expenses, so it may not be beneficial for those without a high cancer risk.

- Policy Exclusions : Coverage exclusions and waiting periods can limit the effectiveness of the policy.

- Additional Cost : It’s an extra expense on top of regular health insurance premiums.

- May Overlap with Existing Coverage : Some benefits might duplicate what is already covered by a comprehensive health insurance plan.

How to Choose a Cancer Insurance Policy

- Assess Your Risk : Consider family history and personal risk factors for cancer.

- Review Existing Coverage: Understand what your current health insurance covers to identify gaps.

- Compare Policies: Look at different cancer insurance policies, comparing coverage options, exclusions, and costs.

- Understand the Benefits : Ensure the policy provides benefits that align with your needs, whether it’s lump-sum payments or coverage for specific expenses.

- Check the Insurer’s Reputation : Choose a reputable insurance company with good customer service and claim settlement records.

Is Cancer Insurance Right for You?

Cancer insurance may be a good option for those with a family history of cancer, high out-of-pocket costs with their current health insurance, or for individuals seeking peace of mind. It’s important to weigh the costs against potential benefits and consider it as part of a broader financial and health planning strategy.


Cancer insurance can be a valuable financial tool for those concerned about the high costs associated with cancer treatment. By understanding the coverage options, limitations, and how it fits into your overall financial plan, you can make an informed decision about whether this type of insurance is right for you.

Monday, August 19, 2024

риЕримੋри╣ри░ рииਿриКриЬ਼: ри░ੱриЦрйЬੀ рижੇ риоੌриХੇ риЕримੋри╣ри░ риЬੰриХри╕਼рии ридੇ риЖриЗриЖ ри▓ੋриХਾ рижਾ ри╕ਿри▓рин ! рикੈри░ ри░ੱриЦриг рииੂੰ риири╣ੀਂ риоਿри▓ ри░ри╣ੀ риЬриЧ੍ри╣ਾ


Publisher by Arshdeep Singh 

Deep bhatti : 19 риЕриЧри╕рид ри░ੱриЦрйЬੀ рижੇ ридਿриЙри╣ਾри░ рижੇ риоੋриХੇ риЕримੋри╣ри░ рижੇ ри░ੇри▓ри╡ੇ ри╕риЯੇри╕਼рии рижੇ риЖриЗриЖ ри▓ੋриХਾਂ рижਾ ринਾри░ੀ ри░ри╕਼। ри▓ੋриХਾ рижਾ ринਾри░ридੀ ри░ੇри▓ри╡ੇ ридੇ ри╡ризрижੇ ри╡ਿри╕ри╡ਾри╕ рижੇ риЪри▓рижੇ риЖрио ри▓ੋриХਾ рииੇ ри░ੇри▓риЧੱрибੀ ридੇ ри╕рил਼ри░ риХри░рииਾ ри╕ੁри░ੱриЦਿриЕрид ри╕риориЭਿриЖ
 риЕੱриЬ ри░ੱриЦрйЬੀ рижੇ ридਿриЙри╣ਾри░ рижੇ риЪри▓рижੇ риЕримੋри╣ри░ рижੇ ри░ੇри▓ри╡ੇ ри╕риЯੇри╕਼рии ридੇ ри▓ੋриХਾਂ рижਾ ри░ри╕਼ рижੇриЦриг рииੂੰ риоਿри▓ਿриЖ। рижри╕ рижриИриП риХਿ риЬрижੋਂ 3 ри╡риЬੇ риЧੰриЧਾриириЧри░ ридੋਂ риЕੰримਾри▓ਾ риЬਾриг ри╡ਾри▓ੀ ри░ੇри▓риЧੱрибੀ риЖриИ ридਾਂ  ри▓ੋриХਾਂ ри╡ри▓ੋ ри░ੇри▓риЧੱрибੀ ри╡ਿੱриЪ риЪрйЬрии ри▓риИ ризੱриХਾ риоੁੱриХੀ рижੇриЦриг рииੂੰ риоਿри▓ੀ। риЬਿри╕ рижੇ риЪри▓рижੇ ри▓ੋриХ рииੂੰ риХਾрилੀ рипਾрижਾਂ риоੁри╕਼риХਿри▓ рижੇриЦриг рииੂੰ риоਿри▓ਾриЗриЖ।

риЬрижриХਿ ринਾри░ридੀ ри░ੇри▓ри╡ੇ ри╡ੱри▓ੋਂ риЕримੋри╣ри░ рижੇ ри░ੇри▓ри╡ੇ ри╕риЯੇри╕਼рии рииੂੰ ри╣ੋри░ ри╕ਾрил римрииੋриг ри▓риИ риХੰрио риЪੱри▓ ри░ਿри╣ਾ ри╣ੈ риЬੌ риХੀ римри╣ੁрид риЬри▓риж ри╣ੀ рикੂри░ਾ ри╣ੋриг ри╡ਾри▓ਾ ри╣ੈ ।  риЬਿри╕ рииਾри▓  риЕримੋри╣ри░ рижੇ ри▓ੋриХਾਂ рииੂੰ риЕримੋри╣ри░ рижਾ риЗриХ риири╡ਾਂ ри░ੂрик рижੇриЦриг рииੂੰ риоਿри▓ੇриЧਾ рииਾри▓ ри╣ੀ римри╣ੁрид ри╕ਾри░ੀриЖ рикри░ੇри╕਼ਾрииੀриЖਂ риЦридрио ри╣ੋ риЬਾригриЧੀриЖਂ ।

риЗри╕ ридੋਂ рикри╣ਿри▓ਾ ри╡ੀ риХਾਂриЧри░ри╕ рижੇ  ри╡ਿризਾриЗриХ ри╕ੁрииੀри▓ риЬਾриЦрйЬ ри╡ри▓ੋਂ  риЕримੋри╣ри░ ри╕਼ри╣ਿри░ рииੂੰ ри╕ਾрил ри╕ੁриери░ਾ римригੋ ри▓риИ риХੰрио риЪੱри▓ ри░ਿри╣ਾ ри╣ੈ риЬੌ риХਿ риХਾрилੀ ри╣ੱриж ридੱриХ риЦридрио ри╣ੌ риЪੁੱриХਿриЖ ри╣ੈ риЬਿри╕ ри╡ਿੱриЪ риЕримੋри╣ри░ рижੀриЖ , ри╕ਾри░ੀриЖ ри╕рйЬриХਾ, римੱри╕ риЕੱрибੇ риЕридੇ риЪੌਂриХਾ рииੂੰ римри╣ੁрид ри╡ризੀриЖ римрииਾ рижਿੱридਾ риЧਿриЖ ри╣ੈ ।

риЗри╕ римਾри░ੇ ри╣ੋри░ риЬਾригриХਾри░ੀ ри▓ੈриг ри▓риИ TFG news ЁЯЧЮ️ рииੂੰ рилਾри▓ੋ риЕридੇ риЕੱриЧੇ ри╕਼ੇриЕри░ риЬри░ੂри░ риХри░ੋ 
риЖри╡рижਾ риЗри╕ридਿри╣ਾри░ риХри░ри╡ਾриЙриг ри▓риИ … ридੇ риоੈри╕ੇриЬ риХри░ੋ 

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Punjab sees 12.58% growth in basmati cultivation area during kharif season

Deep bhatti : The minister announced that the cultivation of long-grain rice has increased significantly to 6.71 lakh hectares, marking a substantial growth from the previous kharif season's 5.96 lakh hectares.

                             Image credit by owner 

Published by Arshdeep Singh 

The state's Direct Seeding of Rice (DSR) program saw a remarkable 46.5% increase in area coverage, a major achievement highlighted by the Agriculture Minister.

Punjab's Crop Diversification Drive Achieves Notable Success

The Agriculture Minister of Punjab, Gurmeet Singh Khudian, has announced a substantial expansion in the area dedicated to basmati cultivation in the state during the ongoing kharif season. The latest data reveals a 12.58% increase in basmati cultivation, with the area rising from 5.96 lakh hectares in the previous season to 6.71 lakh hectares currently.

Top Performing Districts:

The following districts have emerged as leaders in basmati cultivation:

1. Amritsar: With 1.46 lakh hectares dedicated to basmati cultivation, Amritsar tops the list.

2. Muktsar: Muktsar follows closely with 1.10 lakh hectares.

3. Fazilka: Fazilka has allocated 84.9 thousand hectares for basmati cultivation.

4. Tarn Taran: Tarn Taran has dedicated 72.5 thousand hectares to basmati cultivation.

5. Sangrur: Sangrur rounds out the top five with 49.8 thousand hectares.

Growth in Direct Seeding of Rice (DSR)

In addition to the expansion in basmati cultivation, the area under Direct Seeding of Rice (DSR) has also witnessed a remarkable increase of 46.5% compared to the previous season. This significant growth underscores the effectiveness of Punjab's crop diversification drive in promoting sustainable agricultural practices and enhancing crop yields.

Objectives of the Crop Diversification Drive

The crop diversification drive, a flagship initiative of the Punjab government, aims to:

1. Reduce dependence on traditional crops like wheat and paddy.

2. Promote more profitable and sustainable crops like basmati rice.

3. Enhance farmers' income through improved yields and better market prices.

The success of this drive is expected to have a positive impact on the state's agricultural economy, benefiting farmers and contributing to the overall growth of the sector.

ри╕ੁриЦримੀри░ римਾрижри▓ ри▓рйЬриириЧੇ риЬриоੀрииੀ риЪੋригਾਂ ! риЧਿੱрижрйЬримਾри╣ਾ ри╣ри▓риХੇ ри╡ਿੱриЪ ри╡ризਾриИриЖਂ ри╕ри░риЧри░риоੀриЖਂ

Deep Bhatti : рикੰриЬਾрим 18 риЕриЧри╕рид ри╕੍ри░ੋриоригੀ риЕриХਾри▓ੀ рижри▓ рижੇ рик੍ри░ризਾрии ри╕ੁриЦримੀри░ римਾрижри▓ ри╡ри▓ੋਂ риЖриЙриг ри╡ਾри▓ੀриЖ риЬриоੀрииੀ риЪੋригਾਂ риЧਿੱрижрйЬримਾри╣ਾ ри╣ри▓риХੇ ридੋਂ ри▓рйЬਿриЖ риЬਾригриЧੀриЖਂ риЬਿри╕ рижੇ риЪри▓рижੇ риУри╣рииਾ ри╡ри▓ੋ ри╕ри░риЧри░риоੀриЖਂ ри╡ризਾ рижਿੱридੀриЖਂ ри╣рии। ри▓риЧਾридਾри░ рижੂриЬੇ рижਿрии ри╕ੁриЦримੀри░ римਾрижри▓ риЧਿੱрижрйЬримਾри╣ਾ рижੌри░ ридੇ рикри╣ੁੰриЪੇ 

Image credit by owner 

Published by: Arshdeep Singh 
ри╕੍ри░ੋриоригੀ риЕриХਾри▓ੀ рижри▓ рижੇ рик੍ри░ризਾрии ри╕ੁриЦримੀри░ ри╕ਿੰриШ римਾрижри▓ ри╡ри▓ੋ риЧਿੱрижрйЬримਾри╣ਾ ри╣ри▓риХੇ ри╡ਿੱриЪ риЖриЙриг ри╡ਾри▓ੀриЖ риЬриоੀрииੀ риЪੋригਾਂ ри▓риИ ри╕ри░риЧри░риоੀриЖਂ ри╡ризਾ рижਿੱридੀриЖਂ ри╣рии।  риУри╣рииਾਂ рижੇ ри▓риЧਾридਾри░ рижੂриЬੇ рижਿрии рижੇ  риЧਿੱрижрйЬримਾри╣ਾ рижੌри░ੇ ридੋ рикридਾ ри▓ੱриЧ ри░ਿри╣ਾ ри╣ੈ риХਿ риУри╣рииਾ ри╡ри▓ੋ риЗриеੋਂ риЪੋригਾਂ ри▓рйЬਿриЖ риЬਾриг риЧਿриЖ 

 ри╕ੁриЦримੀри░ ри╕ਿੰриШ римਾрижри▓ ри╡ри▓ੋਂ риХੱри▓ ри╡ੀ риЧਿੱрижрйЬримਾри╣ਾ рижੇ рикਿੰрибਾਂ рижਾ рижੌри░ਾ риХੀридਾ риЧਿриЖ ри╕ੀ। риЧਿੱрижрйЬримਾри╣ਾ римਾрижри▓ рикри░ਿри╡ਾри░ рижੀ ри╕਼ੁри░ੂ ридੋਂ ри╣ੀ рикੱриХੀ ри╕ੀриЯ ри░ри╣ੀ ри╣ੈ। рик੍ри░риХਾри╕਼ ри╕ਿੰриШ римਾрижри▓ риЧਿੱрижрйЬримਾри╣ਾ ридੋਂ 5 ри╡ਾри░ ри╡ਿризਾриЗриХ ри░ри╣ੇ ри╣рии। рижੱри╕ рижриИриП риХਿ ри▓ੋриХ ри╕ринਾ риЪੋригਾਂ риЬਿੱрид риХੇ ри╕ੰри╕риж риоੈਂримри░ римригੇ рикੰриЬਾрим рижੇ риЪਾри░ ри╡ਿризਾриЗриХਾਂ рии риЕри╕ридੀрилਾ рижੇ рижਿੱридਾ ри╕ੀ। риЗри╕ ри▓риИ ри╣ੁриг рикੰриЬ ри╡ਿризਾрии ри╕ринਾ ри╣ри▓риХਿриЖਂ ри╡ਿриЪ риЙрик риЪੋриг ри╣ੋри╡ੇриЧੀ।

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 рижри╕ рижਿੱридਾ риЬਾриП риХਿ   риЧਿੱрижрйЬримਾри╣ਾ ри╡ਿризਾрии ри╕ринਾ ри╕ੀриЯ ридੇ рикਿриЫри▓ੀ ри╡ਾри░ риХਾਂриЧри░ри╕ риХриоੇриЯੀ рижੇ рик੍ри░ризਾрии риЕриори░ਿੰрижри░ ри╕ਿੰриШ ри░ਾриЬਾ ри╡рйЬਿੰриЧ риЬਿੱридੇ ри╕рии। риЬਿੰрииਾ рииੇ ри▓ੋриХ ри╕ринਾ риЪੋригਾਂ ри╡ਿੱриЪ риЗри╣ ри╕ੀриЯ риЫੱриб ри▓ੁризਿриЖригਾ ридੋ риЪੋриг  ри▓рйЬੀ риЕридੇ риЬਿੱридੇ ри╣рии риЬਿри╕ ри▓риИ риЪੋриг риХриоਿри╕਼рии ри╡ੱри▓ੋਂ риЧਿੱрижрйЬримਾри╣ਾ ри╡ਾри▓ੀ ри╕ੀриЯ рииੂੰ риЦ਼ਾри▓ੀ риРри▓ਾрииਿриЖ ри╣ੈ риЗри╕ рижੇ рииਾри▓਼ ри╣ੀ римри░рииਾри▓ਾ рижੀ  ри╕ੀриЯ ридੇ ри╡ੀ риЪੋриг ри╣ੋри╡ੇਂриЧੀ 

рижри╕ рижриИриП риХਿ риЧਿੱрижрйЬримਾри╣ਾ ри╕ੀриЯ риЗри╕ ри╕риоੇਂ риХਾਂриЧри░ри╕ рижੇ риХੋри▓ ри╕ੀ। риЗри╕ рижੇ рииਾри▓ ри╣ੀ риЧੁри░рижਾри╕рикੁри░ ри╣ри▓риХਾ рибੇри░ਾ римਾримਾ рииਾриириХ ридੋਂ риХਾਂриЧри░ри╕ੀ ри╡ਿризਾриЗриХ ри╕ੁриЦриЬਿੰрижри░ ри╕ਿੰриШ ри░ੰризਾри╡ਾ рииੇ ри╡ੀ ри▓ੋриХ ри╕ринਾ ри╕ੀриЯ ридੋਂ риЪੋриг риЬਿੱридੀ, риЗри╕ ри▓риИ риЪੋриг риХриоਿри╕਼рии ри╡ри▓ੋਂ рибੇри░ਾ римਾримਾ рииਾриириХ ри╕ੀриЯ рииੂੰ ри╡ੀ риЦ਼ਾри▓ੀ риРри▓ਾрии рижਿੱридਾ риЬਾри╡ੇриЧਾ риЕридੇ риЙриеੇ ри╣ੀ ри╣ੁри╢ਿриЖри░рикੁри░ ри▓ੋриХ ри╕ринਾ ри╕ੀриЯ ридੋਂ риЪੱримੇри╡ਾри▓ ри╡ਿризਾрии ри╕ринਾ ри╕ੀриЯ ридੇ
 рибਾ .ри░ਾриЬ риХੁриоਾри░ риЪੱримੇри╡ਾри▓ ри╣ੁри╢ਿриЖри░рикੁри░ ридੋਂ риЪੋриг риЬਿੱрид риЧриП।
 риЬਿри╕ риХри░риХੇ риЪੋриг риХриоਿри╕਼рии ри╡ри▓ੋਂ риЗри╕ ри╕ੀриЯ ридੇ ри╡ੀਂ рижੁримਾри░ਾ ри╡ੋриЯਾਂ риХри░ри╡ੋрииਿриЖ рикੈригриЧੀриЖਂ। рикੰриЬਾрим ри╡ਿриЪ 5 ри╡ਿризਾрии ри╕ринਾ ри╕ੀриЯਾਂ риЙридੇ риЬ਼ਿриорииੀ риЪੋригਾਂ ри╕ੂримੇ рижੀриЖਂ ри╕ਿриЖри╕ੀ ризਿри░ਾਂ ри▓риИ ри╡ੱрибੀ риЪੁригੌридੀ ри╣ੋригриЧੀриЖਂ।

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

BSNL : BSNL рииੇ рииੈੱриЯри╡ри░риХ рииੂੰ риХੀридਾ 4G риЕрикриЧ੍ри░ੇриб риЪри▓ ри░ри╣ੀ ри╣ੈ 5G рижੀ ридਿриЖри░ੀ

TFGNEWS/ рижੀрик ринੱриЯੀ /BSNL рииੇ риЖрикригੇ риЧ੍ри░ਾри╣риХਾਂ рииੂੰ риЖриЙриг ри╡ਾри▓ੀриЖਂ рикри░ੇри╕਼ਾрииੀриЖਂ рииੂੰ ри╣ੱри▓ риХри░рижੇ ри╣ੋриП риЧ੍ри░ਾри╣риХਾਂ рииੂੰ 4G ри╕ੁри╡ਿризਾ рижੇриг ри╡ੱри▓ риЬੋри░ рижਿੱридਾ ри╣ੈ । риЙри╣ риЖрикригੇ риЯਾри╡ри░ рииੂੰ ридੇриЬ਼ੀ рииਾри▓ 4G ри╡ਿੱриЪ ридримрижੀри▓ риХри░ ри░ਿри╣ਾ ри╣ੈ । риХੱри▓ 27 риЬੁри▓ਾриИ рииੂੰ BSNL ри╡ри▓ੋ риЖрикригੇ 20 риЯਾри╡ри░ਾਂ рииੂੰ риЕрикриЧ੍ри░ੇриб риХੀридਾ риЧਿриЖ ри╣ੈ। BSNL риЖрикригੇ риХੰрио ри╡ਿੱриЪ ридੇриЬੀ ри▓ਿриЖ ри░ਿри╣ਾ ри╣ੈ , риХਿриЙриХਿ рик੍ри░ਾриИри╡ੇриЯ риХੰрикрииੀриЖਂ рииੇ риЖрикригੇ риЯੈри░ਿрил ри╡ризਾ рижਿੱридਾ ри╣ੈ ридੇ ри▓ੋриХ риЗри╕ ридੋਂ риири░ਾриЬ਼ ри╣ੋриП ри╡ਾрикਿри╕ BSNL ри╡ਿриЪ рикри░рид ри░ри╣ੇ ри╣рии। риЗри╕ ри▓риИ римੀ.риРੱри╕.риРрии.риРри▓ рииੇ римੀриХਾрииੇри░ ри╡ਿриЪ 4G рижੇ 20 риЯਾри╡ри░ ри╕਼ੁри░ੂ риХੀридੇ ри╣рии। BSNL риЖрикригੇ ри╕ਾри░ੇ 2G риЕридੇ 3G риЯਾри╡ри░ਾਂ рииੂੰ ридੇриЬ਼ੀ рииਾри▓ 4G ри╡ਿੱриЪ ридримрижੀри▓ риХри░рии ридੇ риЬ਼ੋри░ рииਾри▓ риХੰрио риХри░ ри░ਿри╣ਾ ри╣ੈ

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Published by : Arshdeep Singh 

BSNL рииੇ риЖрикригੇ риЧਾри╣риХਾਂ рииੂੰ ридੇриЬ਼ੀ рииਾри▓ 4G ри╕ੁри╡ਿризਾ рик੍ри░рижਾрии риХਾри░рии ри╡ੱри▓ риЬੋри░ рижਿੱридਾ ри╣ੈ। риЙри╣ ридੇриЬ਼ੀ рииਾри▓ риЖрикригੇ риоੋримਾриИри▓ риЯਾри╡ри░ਾਂ рииੂੰ 4G ри╡ਿੱриЪ ридримрижੀри▓ риХри░ ри░ਿри╣ਾ ри╣ੈ। риХੱри▓ BSNL ри╡ри▓ੋ римੀриХਾрииੇри░ риЬ਼ਿри▓੍ри╣ੇ ри╡ਿੱриЪ 20 риЯਾри╡ри░ਾਂ рииੂੰ риЕрикриЧ੍ри░ੇриб риХੀридਾ риЧਿриЖ ри╣ੈ। рик੍ри░ਾриИри╡ੇриЯ риХੰрикрииੀриЖਂ риЯੈри░ਿрил ри╡ਿੱриЪ ри╡ਾризੇ ридੋਂ римਾриЕриж BSNL риЖрикригੇ риХੰрио ри╡ਿੱриЪ ридੇриЬੀ ри▓ਿриЖ ри░ਿри╣ਾ ри╣ੈ । ри╣ੁриг риоੁрйЬ ридੋਂ ри▓ੋриХ риЗри╕ ри╡ੱри▓ рижੁримਾри░ਾ рикри░рид ри░ри╣ੇ ри╣рии ридੇ риЙри╣рииਾ рииੂੰ BSNL ридੋ римри╣ੁрид риЙриоੀриж ри╣ੈ।

риХਿੱриеੇ риЪੱри▓ੇриЧਾ 4G Internet ЁЯЫЬ ?

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 риоੁриХਾримри▓ੇ риЗри╕ ри╡ਾри░ ри╕ਿрио рижੀ ри╡ਿриХри░ੀ ри╡ਿੱриЪ 5 ридੋ 7 риЧੁригਾਂ ри╡ਾризਾ риЖриЗриЖ ри╣ੈ, риЦੱридри░ੀ ри╡ри▓ੋ риЗри╣ ри╡ੀ риХਿри╣ਾ риХਿ риХੇਂрижри░ ри╕ри░риХਾри░ рижੀ ри╕ри╡ੈ - рииਿри░ринри░ рипੋриЬрииਾ ридри╣ਿрид , риоੈри╕ри░риЬ਼ риЯੀри╕ੀ риРри╕ рижੇри╕ ринਾри░ ри╡ਿੱриЪ 1 ри▓ੱриЦ риЯਾри╡ри░ਾਂ рииੂੰ рижੇри╕਼ ри╡ਿੱриЪ римригੇ риЙрикриХри░рииਾਂ рииਾри▓਼ 4G ри╡ਿੱриЪ риЕрикриЧ੍ри░ੇриб риХри░ ри░ਿри╣ਾ ри╣ੈ । BSNL рииੇ риЖрикригੇ ри╕ਾри░ੇ риЦрикридриХਾри░ਾਂ рииੂੰ риоੁрил਼рид ри╡ਿੱриЪ 4G ри╕ਿрио ри╡ਿੱриЪ римрижри▓риг рижੀ ри╕ри╣ੂри▓рид рижਿੱридੀ ри╣ੈ, риЬਿри╕ рижਾ ри▓ਾрин рииੇрйЬੇ рижੇ риЯੈри▓ੀриХਾрио ридੇ BNSL рижੀ риоੋриЬੂрижਾ web site ридੋ ри▓риИ риЬਾ ри╕риХрижੀ ри╣ੈ।

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 риЦрикридриХਾри░ ри╕ੇри╡ਾ риХੇਂрижри░ рижੇ риоੋриЬੂрижਾ риРри╕ рибੀ риУ риЬридਿੰрижри░ риЪੀрииੀриЖ рииੇ рижੱри╕ਿриЖ риХਿ риЦрикридриХਾри░ риЦੁриж ри╕ਿрио рижੀ риЕੱрикрибੇриЯ рииੂੰ риЬਾਂриЪ риХри░ ри╕риХрижੇ ри╣рии। риЬੇриХри░ ри╕ੀрио ридੇ 4G риири╣ੀਂ ри▓ਿриЦਿриЖ ри╣ੋриЗриЖ ридਾਂ ридੁри╕ੀਂ риЦрикридриХਾри░ ри╕ੇри╡ਾ риХੇਂрижри░ риЬਾ риХਿри╕ੇ ри╡ੀ ри░ਿриЯੇри▓ри░ риХੋри▓ риЬਾ риоੁрил਼рид ри╕ਿрио ри▓риИ ри╕риХрижੇ ри╣ੋ

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